Please find Mass Intention & Shrine Lamp Intention envelopes at the back of church.  Parishioners who are able to attend Mass physically are requested to use them to request an Intention.  These will then be seen and dealt with weekly. 

Mass Intentions need to be sent in at least a month in advance and only very urgent requests will be accepted once the monthly Mass Intention sheet has been published.  There can only be ONE intention per Mass unless there are exceptional circumstances.

If unable to collect an envelope from the back of church you can request a Mass Intention by emailing: [email protected]

If not using an envelope you can make your donation by Bank Transfer – details on our weekly Bulletin and below:

NB.  Gentle reminder that the recommended Diocesan Mass Stipend is £10, which is the Priest’s one allowed daily stipend.

Shrine Lamp Intentions are £5 for a 7-day candle at your preferred shrine – please see bulletin for details of our shrines.