Parish mission this weekend

Having just celebrated Easter, it is appropriate that the theme of our Mission is ‘A New Vision of Your Glory’.

The first Easter changed everything: what was thought by the followers of Jesus to be the disaster of the Crucifixion, turned out to be God’s greatest gift to humankind, a sign of immense love, and a revelation of hope and joy for all time to come.
Please come to join us during the two weeks of the Mission as, led by the Sion Community, we explore, deepen and celebrate our faith in the Risen Lord. The mission is for everyone in the parish – young and old, those who attend regularly, occasional visitors and those who may not have set foot in the church for some years. The mission is a time of grace when if we make the effort to open ourselves to hear God’s Word, we will never fail to be surprised, delighted, comforted, encouraged and welcomed.
For a timetable of events and all you need to know about the mission click here.