Coronavirus Update 24th March 2020

Please see latest communication from Archbishop John Wilson, following the statement from our Prime Minister last night. This overrides any previous instruction, and like all other buildings where social activities can take place, all churches and places of worship, are now totally closed to the public. Let us pray that this stringent procedure will give the results necessary to help combat this virus more quickly and effectively. Keep safe and God Bless.

Coronavirus Update 20th March 2020

Dear Parishioners and Friends, I hope this finds you and your families well. As you may know by now, all Catholic Dioceses have sadly, but inevitably, suspended all public Masses until further notice.

We have done and will be doing our best to keep you all as informed and updated as possible. The latest bulletin is already uploaded, and there is some important information on it. Can I ask those of you who may be able to print copies of it, and other publications soon to go on the website, to try and get them to those who haven’t got access to our website. This will make them feel less isolated through these next few weeks.

I have also printed copies of the letters from our Archbishop and the Bishops’ Conference for England & Wales, and made them available at the back of church for both Masses today. There is a also a useful leaflet ‘Perfect Contrition and Spiritual Communion’, which I’m sure many will find very helpful and comforting. These can be found below.

There are also links to various sites offering live Masses, Prayers and Virtual Adoration. These are also on the Bulletin.

Whilst working from home, we will keep up the updates as we get them. I am contactable via the usual email address and on 07488 241750, Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 12.30pm. For spiritual help & advice, please ring Fr Uche on the church landline 020 8942 2602.

God Bless and keep safe.


Visit our diocesan  for daily updates and advice.

National networks like EWTN: and CatholicTV: will make it possible for Catholics to participate in Holy Mass while homebound.

Some chapels provide live streams of Eucharistic Adoration: