The Gift – Post-Easter Event

St Joseph’s Parish warmly invites you to unwrap the gift of your faith

In the busyness of life, with all the calls on our time and energy, find the peace and help that arises from a deeper relationship with Jesus and the Father, through getting to know the Holy Sprit.

Where: St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre
When: Tuesday evenings at 7.45pm

30 April – The Father’s Loving Plan
7 May – The Joy of the Gospel
14 May – The Gift of the Spirit
21 May – Unwrapping God’s Gift
28 May – The Cross – an optional evening in Half Term
4 June – Encountering God’s Spirit
11 June – Living in the Spirit

Each session starts with refreshments and a chance to meet other parishioners. At 8pm we will watch a video presentation by renowned speakers, followed by time in small groups to reflect, share and
develop any thoughts, themes or questions. We will close each session with prayer.

Sign-up sheets are located in the Narthex. For more information please contact Gill on 07956513695 or Monika on 07951105937.

We look forward to welcoming you! “The Gift” Team

St Joseph’s parishioners support St Joseph’s Home & Outreach Centre, Uganda

Children and staff of St Joseph’s Home and Outreach Centre, Kampala.

Thanks to our parishioners’ generosity, Fr Joseph Luzindana and his team have been able to furnish the St Joseph’s Home and Outreach Centre in Kampala with much-needed mattresses.

St Joseph’s New Malden parishioners first helped Fr Joseph realise the dream of building the centre as one of the parish’s Lenten Charities around ten years ago. However, with more and more people needing support from the centre, the running and upkeep costs have continued to grow.

St Joseph’s Home and Outreach Centre started as a home for vulnerable, marginalised and neglected children near Kampala and beyond, most of whom are orphans living in extreme poverty.

When these children and young people arrive at the centre, they are received with kindness. They are provided with education, rehabilitation, counselling and spiritual and social advice. Fr Joseph and his helpers aim to show these young people how much they matter, so that they can grow and enjoy God’s love.

Lenten Lunch – Every Friday

Join us each Friday from 12pm to 1.30pm in the Pastoral Centre for Lenten Lunch and help raise money for our Lenten charities.

For just £5.50 enjoy a delicious bowl of homemade soup, lovely fresh bread and cheese, and good company. No need to book in advance. Come along on the day, and bring your friends.

Proceeds will go towards our two Lenten charities – Bakhita House and Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Niger Delta.