A Musical Meditation on the Life of Christ

On 28th November, the Schola Cantorum of St Joseph’s Parish Church offered a musical meditation upon the life of our Lord.
Here are some selections from that evening’s inspiring repertoire.

Part I: Advent and Christmas
Puer natus est nobis – Words: Introit antiphon for Christmas Day (Isaiah 9:6; Psalm 98(97): 1); Music: Gregorian chant

Lullay my liking – Words: Anonymous (15th Century English); Music: Gustav Holst (1874-1934)

Part II: Jesus’ Public Ministry
Notre Père – Words: The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6: 9-13); Music: Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986)

The Beatitudes – Words: The Beatitudes (Matthew 5: 3-12); Music: Traditional Russian Chant

If ye love me – Words: John 14: 15-17; Music: Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)

Part III: Passion and Death
Hosanna filio David – Words: Antiphon for the procession on Palm Sunday; Music: Gregorian chant

Part IV: Resurrection and Ascension
Resurrexi – Words: Psalm 138: 18, 5, 6, 1, 2. Introit for Easter Sunday; Music: Gregorian chant

Quia vidisti me – Words: John 20: 29; Music: Matthew JC Ward (written in 2015 for the Schola of St Joseph’s Church, New Malden)

O rex gloriae – Words: Antiphon to the Magnificat for the Second Vespers of Ascension; Music: Luca Marenzio (1553-1599)

Part V: Pentecost
Factus est repente – Words: Communion for the Mass of Pentecost (Acts 2: 2,4;) Music: Gregorian chant

O sacrum convivium – Words: Antiphon to the Magnificat for the Second Vespers of Corpus Christi (based on 1 Corinthians 11: 26 and Romans 8: 18); Music: Giovanni Croce (1557-1609)

Sing we of the Blessed Mother – Words: G. B. Timms (1910-1997); Music: ‘Abbot’s Leigh’ by Cyril V. Taylor

Meditation Programme in PDF format

Catholics, Come Home!


Whether you’re…

a Protestant, or of another faith;

or a Catholic, but not currently coming to Mass;

or a Catholic who wants to know more, either for yourself, or in order to help family and friends, ‘Come Home’…


is for you!

We are Catholic, Welcome Home!


Read the Catechism (or the 4 Gospels) in a Year


Read the Catechism (or the 4 Gospels) in a Year as part of our Year of Renewal…

To engage with our Parish Year of Renewal all our Parish Organisations, Groups and Departments are being asked to consider and report on how they might be renewed and developed in early 2014, especially during Lent.
Our Parish Year of Renewal is aimed to focus on the New Evangelization, on Catechesis and Catholic teaching, and the beauty of Holiness – both in living holy lives and enhancing beauty in the Sacred Liturgy and our homes.

Read the Catechism (or the 4 Gospels) in a Year…

… with daily bite-sized emails direct to your in-box or device.  Get the links from our website, or go to:

flocknote.com/catechism             flocknote.com/gospel

They start  on Monday 9th December, but join in at any time.  Over 135,000 Catholics have already signed-up to these daily Faith feeds.

Other initiatives for our Year of Renewal include:

Sunday Mass … for every Parishioner to re-establish our absolute commitment to Sunday Mass as the source and summit of our week, and that choosing to miss Mass or consider something else of higher priority is not a Catholic option.  (Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church 289, 290, 305).  Arriving in good time before Mass begins is also the aim for us all this year.
Catholics Come Home is a way of welcoming back our fellow Catholics who (for whatever reason, or none) have lapsed from the Faith,  Each of us has responsibility to encourage others to return to the Faith, to set good examples, and to engage with those who need our care and our prayer.
The Light is On for You (an initiative from the Diocese of Lancaster) gives an extra mid-week evening time for Confession (Sacrament of Reconciliation) in addition to the regular Saturday times, ie. 6.30-7.30pm every Thursday.
In addition to care and encouragement of the spiritually impoverished, lapsed and marginalized, our Year of Renewal develops special care of the poor and homeless.  See our current projects in the Bulletins as and when.