Letter to parishoners from Father Uche

My dear Parishioners of St Joseph,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to you all. It is very good news that the number of daily Covid infections is coming down. Of course, it is still high compared with numbers up to October last year.
Sadly, our parishioners are still contracting the virus, although we believe not from attending Mass at St Joseph’s. Some of them are very poorly in hospital. We keep them all in our thoughts and prayers. Some of our parishioners have died of the pandemic and we pray God to grant them
eternal rest.

It is my responsibility as pastor to keep all parishioners as safe from infection as possible, while still ministering to their spiritual needs in the most reverential manner as possible. This is by no means an easy task, especially with the Covid variants which we as we have seen are so much easier to catch.
Since last summer there has been a small team of people working every day behind the scenes (including Christmas) on the practical side of achieving a safe worshipping environment for all; and a large team of stewards to whom I am very grateful for making it possible for parishioners to
attend Mass in person, when legally permitted.
There have been many difficult and complicated decisions to take. Often, they have had to be made very fast, with the health and safety of parishioners being the first priority.

Recently we purchased enough face shields for stewards and Extra-Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to use – this is not compulsory but strongly recommended, as it provides an extra barrier
against infection.
For the health and safety of all parishioners, please do not come to the church if you are feeling unwell, are awaiting a test result or if you have been near someone who has tested positive. And remember always when coming to Church to wear your face mask completely covering your
mouth and nose. Each day, thanks to our technical team, we have at least one Mass livestreamed.
Each one of us has a part to play in keeping infections down, especially for the sake of those most vulnerable among us. I am doing everything within my power and by the grace of God to keep safe and free from Covid 19 so that I can continue to discharge my duties as your pastor.

We are extremely blessed to have Masses live-streamed and reaching so many of you every day.
We are still the same congregation of St Joseph’s, whether in the church or at home. Jesus is still present in the Blessed Sacrament in church and in our individual hearts. I am always saddenedeach time that I have to celebrate Mass alone in an empty church as was the case during Easter 2020. I hope and pray that by the grace of God, this will never happen again.

I am looking forward to welcoming you all back to our vibrant church once the lockdown is over. In the meantime, keep
safe and be assured of my prayers.

Fr Uche Njoku
Parish Priest



21 May 1921 ~ 22 December 2020

Fr Frank at his 95th Birthday & 60th Ordination Anniversary

Please read short bio below, detailing especially his time with us at St Joseph’s, followed by his retirement until his recent death.

Details of his funeral are below.

Eternal Rest Grant unto him O Lord, and let Perpetual Light Shine upon him. May he Rest in Peace. Amen.

Canon Frank’s Funeral

Canon Frank’s Requiem Mass took place on Wednesday 20th January at 12 noon at St John the Baptist. We have managed to get access to the Order of Service for his Vigil Mass and Funeral, for those of you who would like to read it or print a copy – see below. If you are unable to print one, please email Agnes at [email protected].

Masses from 3 December

It has been confirmed by our diocese that no matter which tier we are in, parishioners will be able to participate and be present in person at Holy Mass from Thursday 3rd Dec 2020.

You can book Masses here.

A reminder of how our booking system works and our live streaming timetable:

If you are a reader; extraordinary minister of Holy Communion; or a Steward, the Covid19 rotas will restart from Thursday 03 December 2020.

We look forward to seeing you in church.

Thank you

Donations during Coronavirus

You can now donate to St Joseph’s Parish in two ways during the coronavirus pandemic – by Paypal or using the handsets at the back of the church.


For those who would like to continue their regular or occasional giving to St Joseph’s Parish, we now have a PayPal Link that will enable you to do so. All you need is to have your own PayPal Account.

Thank you on behalf of Fr Uche and the Parish.

The Archdiocese of Southwark has successfully signed up to PayPal as a registered charity. The Fundraising Team can set up each church with a dedicated PayPal donate button. We have decided to take advantage of this set up and you will now be able to access our new donation page here.
You can also click on the QR Code below if you have a smart phone:

When you donate you will be given an option to add a note, so please state there what the donation is for, eg. church donation, Mass Intention, Christmas Offering etc. Please email [email protected] or call 07488 241753 if you have any queries. Many thanks.

Contactless handsets in church

We are pleased to announce we can now accept cashless donations for the Parish by debit and credit cards from all the major card schemes, using the handsets at the back of Church.

On the handset screen are a number of amounts you can choose, but if these do not suit you, you can choose a different amount to donate.

You can donate contactlessly, or you can insert your card into the keypad where you can authorise your donation using your card’s PIN.

You will be asked to register for Gift-Aid, and you would only have to do this the first time you donate.  NB.  You will need register even if you are already registered as a Gift-Aider with the parish.

If you want to give your donation to the Parish Collection as cash, there are baskets at the back of Church.  If you would like to give regularly by standing order, please contact the Parish Office. 

Many thanks on behalf of the parish.

Blessing of Graves 2020 / November Holy Souls Envelopes

The annual Blessing of Graves was due to take place this coming Sunday, 8th November in Surbiton and Kingston Cemeteries.

Sadly this is now cancelled as per the new government guidelines. We continue to pray for our dearly departed, especially during this month of November.

If you wish your loved ones to be prayed for at the altar throughout the month, please put their names in an envelope, along with a donation if you can, and put it through the presbytery letterbox, or bring it to church by Wednesday, after which the church will be closed.

Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them. May They Rest in Peace. Amen