The Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary

Greetings from the Catholic National Shrine.
You are invited to join the Faithful across the world in the Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary.
Saturday 28th March 2020: The Joyful Mysteries at 7pm
In preparation for the #RededicationAtHome this Sunday, you are invited to pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary at 7pm.  Pray in private or join us through our website, youtube or facebook.  Please share this information with your friends and family so that we can unite England in prayer, powerfully entering into the day of the Rededication together.

Sunday 29th March 2020:  Rededication Day
We are inviting you to take part in the Rededication wherever you are.  They will be led by our Bishops and priests across the country through the internet.  Check your Diocesan and parish websites for timings so that you can be united with our Bishops and priests in prayer at this time.At the Shrine, the Rededication will take place at noon, at the beginning of our midday Pilgrim Mass which will be livestreamed.  To find out more about the Rededication and to download the prayers visit:

Monday 30th March 2020:  Novena in thanksgiving for the Rededication
On the Monday following the Rededication, you are invited to join us at the Shrine in praying the Novena in honour of Our Lady of Walsingham in thanksgiving for the Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary and for the Lord’s protection for all affected by the coronavirus pandemic.  The Novena will be prayed at the end of each Shrine Mass on livestream.  We will continue this novena “until the storm passes”. 

Prayer: Let us intensify our prayer in these days for England and all nations during this time of great crisis: Join the Shrine livestream for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, praying especially for the elderly, the vulnerable, for those on the front line and in our NHS, for those in Government and leadership, and all our priests and bishops. Pray the Rosary for Our Lady of Walsingham’s intentions for England her Dowry. Invoke the intercession of the English Saints and Martyrs through praying the Litany. Pray for the conversion of heart of the people of England and all nations and peoples.

Food Bank

During this challenging time, food donations are paramount. Naturally, since our churches are closed, the regular monthly Food Bank Donations are suspended. However, if you are able and willing to donate, there are a few options:
1. If appropriate, drop a donation off at Waitrose New Malden – they take directly to the food bank.
2. Visit (of which Kingston Food Bank is part) – they allow you to make a monetary donation to the food bank.
3. Visit They post which foods they are short of and can direct you as to where you can take your donation. Currently they are in need of tinned vegetables, instant mash, fruit squash, noodles and meat meals.

Please take care and stay well,
The Food Bank Team

Coronavirus Update 24th March 2020

Please see latest communication from Archbishop John Wilson, following the statement from our Prime Minister last night. This overrides any previous instruction, and like all other buildings where social activities can take place, all churches and places of worship, are now totally closed to the public. Let us pray that this stringent procedure will give the results necessary to help combat this virus more quickly and effectively. Keep safe and God Bless.

Coronavirus Update 20th March 2020

Dear Parishioners and Friends, I hope this finds you and your families well. As you may know by now, all Catholic Dioceses have sadly, but inevitably, suspended all public Masses until further notice.

We have done and will be doing our best to keep you all as informed and updated as possible. The latest bulletin is already uploaded, and there is some important information on it. Can I ask those of you who may be able to print copies of it, and other publications soon to go on the website, to try and get them to those who haven’t got access to our website. This will make them feel less isolated through these next few weeks.

I have also printed copies of the letters from our Archbishop and the Bishops’ Conference for England & Wales, and made them available at the back of church for both Masses today. There is a also a useful leaflet ‘Perfect Contrition and Spiritual Communion’, which I’m sure many will find very helpful and comforting. These can be found below.

There are also links to various sites offering live Masses, Prayers and Virtual Adoration. These are also on the Bulletin.

Whilst working from home, we will keep up the updates as we get them. I am contactable via the usual email address and on 07488 241750, Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 12.30pm. For spiritual help & advice, please ring Fr Uche on the church landline 020 8942 2602.

God Bless and keep safe.


Visit our diocesan  for daily updates and advice.

National networks like EWTN: and CatholicTV: will make it possible for Catholics to participate in Holy Mass while homebound.

Some chapels provide live streams of Eucharistic Adoration:

Mothering Sunday

Amongst these difficult & challenging days, let us not forget to rejoice in the gift of motherhood this Sunday.  Let’s wish all mothers, grandmothers, & all women, a Happy Day and all God’s Blessings for a brighter future.

Supporting our fellow parishioners during the Covid-19 crisis

As the Covid-19 crisis deepens, many parishioners, including some of the most vulnerable members of our community, may need to self-isolate in the coming weeks. Now, more than ever, we need to offer practical and pastoral support to our fellow parishioners through what may be a difficult and lonely period.

Here at St Joseph’s, the St Vincent de Paul Society will be coordinating our efforts to support those who need it. If you require support, or know someone who might benefit from extra support, please contact the Parish Office. 

To ensure we comply with the relevant data protection laws, we would need consent from anyone requiring help for our group of volunteers to contact them.

We are also looking for more volunteers – if you could help with shopping or running errands, or by calling parishioners who find themselves alone during self-isolation, we would love to hear from you.

The Parish Office is now officially closed but you can still contact the Parish Secretary, Mondays to Fridays, 9.30am until 12.30pm on 07488 241753 or email [email protected].