Fr Uche’s Silver Jubilee

Tuesday 23rd July, starting with 7pm Mass, and continuing with a celebration in the Hall. Please sign up on the list on the notice board if you can attend, to help with numbers for catering.  The parish is providing all the refreshments, which will be Buffet-style party food, and of course Nigerian food too!  Drinks will also be provided but please feel free to donate a bottle, which you can deposit in the coloured boxes in the hall corridor from this weekend, or bring on the day. Come and help Fr Uche celebrate 25 years of Priesthood.

Parish International Day 2019

Yesterday we celebrated the colourful & varied nature of our parish, with our annual International Day, when all our parishioners, who hail from just under 70 countries, are invited to showcase their national dishes. A wonderful day was had by all who attended, whether they donated food, or were there for the company and to sample it! Everyone was very welcome.

Some of the delicious food on display
And the desserts!
Parishioners enjoying the food in the hall
and in the sun!
Food from Nigeria
and from Malta!

First Holy Communion 2019

Last Sunday 9th June 2019 saw the end of our First Holy Communion Programme for this year, with the Going Forth Mass, followed by Breakfast in the Hall. This was a very fitting end to the programme, so well-managed by the co-ordinator Tony and his team of catechists. The children received their Certificates and had a wonderful experience and the parents will have a memory to treasure. We are very grateful to Kerry who co-ordinated the party.

Special thanks also to Margarita, who made the amazing Cake and cup-cakes as you can see below. They tasted even more delicious than they looked!