Parish Mission
Come and explore your faith
The Mission is for everyone in the parish – young and old, those who attend regularly, occasional visitors and those who might not have set foot in the church for some years.
The Mission is an amazing opportunity to develop or rediscover our faith as individuals, as families, as part of a worshipping community and in wider society. It will be run over two weeks from 14 – 29 April by the Sion Community for Evangelisation.
There will be a special youth event, a Mass for the sick and housebound, a week of evening services, each with a different focus, and the Mission concludes with a parish family party with lunch on the final Sunday.
The Mission is a time of grace when if we make the effort to open ourselves to hear God’s Word, we will never fail to be surprised, delighted, comforted, encouraged and welcomed.
The last time we had a Mission was 18 years ago so they don’t come round very often! Don’t miss it this time.
You’ll be amazed.
Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday (B)
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
Bulletin 25th March 2018 – Holy week and Easter Week
Prayer and Mass Intentions – April 2018
5th Sunday in Lent – (B)
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
Bulletin 18th March 2018
4th Sunday in Lent – Laetare Sunday (B)
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
Bulletin 11th March 2018
3rd Sunday in Lent (B)
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
Bulletin 4th March 2018
2nd Sunday in Lent (B)
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
Bulletin 25th February 2018
Prayer and Mass Intentions – March 2018
Parish Pastoral Council action points
Action Points – PPC Meeting 9 February 2018
We are still waiting to hear from the council with regards disabled parking spaces outside the church. We have contacted them on numerous occasions. Continue reading “Parish Pastoral Council action points”