Food Bank

helping hand

First Sundays of every month (only).

Please use your Premier Radio distinctive blue bags-for-life to bring only the items stated in the bulletin, placing them in the coloured boxes, and retain your blue bag for the following month.



Ecumenical Winter Night Shelter (update – 1/2/14)

helping hand

Gifts for the homeless

Thank you so much to everyone who provided the necessary kitchen items. We now need some personal gifts for our guests – Articles needed include socks, men’s pants, small packets of tissues, antibacterial wipes or spray and individually-wrapped biscuits. Please place items in the coloured boxes at our usual drop-off point after this weekend’s Food Bank collection.

Catholics, Come Home!


Whether you’re…

a Protestant, or of another faith;

or a Catholic, but not currently coming to Mass;

or a Catholic who wants to know more, either for yourself, or in order to help family and friends, ‘Come Home’…

is for you!

We are Catholic, Welcome Home!

Advent Carols at St Joseph's


Everyone is welcome at the ADVENT CAROL SERVICES here in St Joseph’s:

  • 7.45 for 8pm Tuesday 10th December – UCM annual Carol Evening in the Pastoral Centre Hall. The Carols are followed by refreshments. Everyone invited!
  • 7pm Monday 16th December ~ Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
  • 7pm Tuesday 17th December ~ Holy Cross Catholic Girls’ School