Bulletin 26th March 2023 – Fifth Sunday of Lent (A)
Bulletin 19th March 2023 – Fourth Sunday of Lent (A) – Laetare Sunday
Bulletin 12th March 2023 – Third Sunday of Lent (A)
Bulletin 5th March 2023 – Second Sunday of Lent (A)
Bulletin 26th February 2023 – First Sunday of Lent (A)
Bulletin 12th February – 19th February 2023 – Sixth & Seventh Ordinary Sundays (A)
At the Inaugural RJS Mass in 2022, Archbishop John Wilson stated strongly that there was no place for Racism in the Catholic Church, and encouraged all to ‘…broaden our hearts to love and minds to understand and to recognise that in the cultures of others, in the languages and traditions of others, there is something enormously enriching for the whole of the world.’
This year on Racial Justice Sunday, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland encourage us to remember Stephen Lawrence. The 30th anniversary of the racist killing of the black teenager in Eltham will fall on 22nd April 2023, In life he aspired to be an architect, but his legacy has seen him become an architect for justice, equality, dignity and unity.
All are invited to the Racial Justice Sunday Mass at St George’s Cathedral, which will take place at 10 am this Sunday 5th February 2023 and will be celebrated by Archbishop John Wilson. The Mass will also be live-streamed via the RC Southwark YouTube account: https://bit.ly/RJS2023. Those attending Mass in person are encouraged to wear cultural dress and are asked to be seated by 9.45 am for a prompt start at 10 am in St George’s Cathedral.
The first issue of our Diocesan Newsletter of the Commission for promoting Racial and Cultural Inclusion is below: