Lent at St Joseph’s

NB. Please note certain changes below – in BOLD AND CAPITAL LETTERS due to danger of contracting the coronavirus.

LENTEN CHARITIES 2020(as agreed by the PPC)

Our chosen home charity is The Bournemouth Oratory, to support their charitable work in feeding over 80 homeless and rough sleepers in the area daily. 
Our overseas charities this year will be Akanani(Build together) and Lerato(Love) ecumenical projects initiated by the Tshwane Leadership Foundation (TLF).  Both projects seek to address some of the social issues in the inner city of Pretoria, the Capital city of South Africa.  More info in future bulletins.

Our 2nd Collections during Lent, our Parish Lunch , and our Friday Lenten Lunches are all fund-raisers for these projects.  Parish Groups are asked to start thinking now of their own fund-raising ideas.


We have Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent –  NOW AFTER 10AM MASS ONLY.  All are encouraged to attend.

St Joseph’s Advent Charity 2019

Last Advent we supported The Mother of Good Counsel / Mater Dei Girls’ Centre, in Rivers State, Nigeria.

This is a Non-Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organisation committed to counsel, inspire and empower less privileged out-of-school girls and young women in Rivers State, Nigeria. They need their own building to actualise their vision as they run two different centres in the state and the rents are high.

Fr Uche visited the centre recently, and brought back photos and a letter of appreciation from the Executive Director – please see letter of appreciation below, and click here to see some of the photos.

Bulletin 26th January 2020 – Third Ordinary Sunday (A) – Sunday of the Word of God – see below and front page

Picture: The official logo for the Sunday of the Word of God was unveiled at the Vatican on 17th January. The colourful logo depicts “The Road to Emmaus”.

For and interesting article and more info go to:  https://www.thecatholicuniverse.com/official-logo-for-the-sunday-of-the-word-of-god-unveiled-at-vatican-45959