Sacramental Update

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2020 – There is now a possibility that the First Holy Communion Masses will take place during August.  A second Confession will also be arranged.  Details to follow via an email to the parents once everything has been confirmed, so please do keep an eye out for these emails in the next week or so.

CONFIRMATION 2020– The 2 remaining sessions for the Confirmandi will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 1st September and Thursday 3rd September, both at 8pm.  The Zoom code will be emailed to the parents nearer the time.  Again, please make sure you check your emails for this info.

RCIA 2020 – The remaining sessions have been taking place for those on the current programme. Please look out for emails from Deacon John -Simon for any updates regarding this and the next course.

BAPTISMS – These are planned to re-start in September.  We will get up to date with the Baptisms already booked with us, but please wait to hear from us when the office re-opens around the middle of September, please God.