Blessing of Graves 2020 / November Holy Souls Envelopes

The annual Blessing of Graves was due to take place this coming Sunday, 8th November in Surbiton and Kingston Cemeteries.

Sadly this is now cancelled as per the new government guidelines. We continue to pray for our dearly departed, especially during this month of November.

If you wish your loved ones to be prayed for at the altar throughout the month, please put their names in an envelope, along with a donation if you can, and put it through the presbytery letterbox, or bring it to church by Wednesday, after which the church will be closed.

Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon them. May They Rest in Peace. Amen

Pre-Advent Holy Hour

Calling all St Joseph’s young people,
We will be live-streaming another Holy Hour on Thursday 26th November at 8pm. 
The theme will be based on the story of the Prodigal Son and returning to God. 
Here are some suggestions of what you can contribute : 

  • A poster – you can either draw something by hand and send me a photo or screenshot or you can do the poster on the computer. 
  • Artwork depicting forgiveness and/or Reconciliation or the story of the Prodigal son and the characters in the story.
  • An audio recording of a Bible text about the theme. 
  • An audio recording of a worship song or hymn – sung or instrumental.
  • An audio recording of a reflection of one or all of the characters of the story.
  • An audio recording of a prayer.
  • An audio recording of your reflection on the story and you can relate it to an experience or current times.


Your contributions could also include something about returning to Jesus after some time away from the faith. 
You are also welcome to invite your friends to contribute. 
Please email your contributions to [email protected] by Monday 23rd November. 

The Bible Timeline Course

In this Year of the Word: The God Who Speaks, Jeff Cavins’ worldwide-famous Catholic Bible Study is being live-streamed, free of charge as a 7-session course on Wednesdays, starting on Wed 4th November 2020 @ 7pm.  For all that you need to know about this course, visit, where you will also be able to register.  The course will be taught by Mauro Iannicelli.

Invite your friends and other parishioners.

Please see flyer below for an insight into what to expect.