St Joseph’s Re-opening for Mass on Saturday 4th July 2020 with the 10am Mass

Welcome back to all parishioners!

Appeal for Stewards / Cleaners


As you may have seen online or in the latest bulletin, from Saturday 4th July Fr Uche is hoping to restart Masses at all normal times of the week, except for 7am on weekdays, and probably one of the Sunday morning Masses, to allow time for cleaning.  Hopefully, families and couples will come as well as individuals, who would have been able to come to private prayer. This means that more people will be in the church, especially on Saturday evenings and on Sundays.

There will still be distancing and strict precautions, which will be made clear beforehand as well as an advance booking system.

However there is a great need for enough stewards to welcome, guide and usher parishioners in these circumstances, as well as to sanitise the areas where people will be sitting.

We are very blessed that so many parishioners volunteered for doing this for reopening for private prayer.

We now need 3 times that number to volunteer for the Masses!

If you have already given your name and your preferred Mass, very many thanks.

If not, please consider offering to do this, so that as many people as possible may return to the joys of being physically present at Mass and to receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion.

Masses will be shorter than usual, so the time a volunteer would need to be at the church is approximately one hour, possibly slightly more at weekends.  

Please do not volunteer if you are under 16 or over 70, unwell, shielding someone at home or have underlying health issues yourself.

If you are not in these categories, please reply all, with your name and your preferred Mass to help at. We very much hope that you will not be needed for more than one Mass but please let us know which one / ones you could help at.

These would be: 

10am on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

        6pm Mass on Saturday.

        9.30am (or)* 11.30am, 5.30pm on Sundays.

*we will start with just one Sunday morning Mass, and the decision will be made depending on the number of stewards available. 

Very many thanks.

Update on Church re-opening

As the government guidelines have now changed, allowing for services in church to take place, instead of opening for private prayer on Wednesday 1st July as previously planned, we will be open for Mass from Saturday 4th July, starting with the 10am Mass.  The times of Masses will be as in normal time, apart from the weekday 7am Mass, which is suspended until further notice.  Mass will be kept simple, and there can be no singing.  Fr Uche or someone else may give you some instructions during Mass re Holy Communion etc – please follow them.

As numbers will be limited, for social distancing reasons, there will be a booking system, details to follow.  Watch out for announcements on our live-streams, website and facebook page – there may also be last minute changes, depending on availability of stewards / cleaners.  For your safety, and that of others, please see attached guidelines below.

The CELEBRATE Online Conference 27th – 28th June 2020

Our events have always been for the whole family – and the online conference is no different. Hear from inspiring speakers, take time to prayerfully retreat, get creative, join with live worship and celebrate Mass together. 

All the content over the weekend will be hosted on our CELEBRATE Facebook page so make sure you ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’ us to not miss anything.

Not a Facebook user? Not a problem! You don’t need to have an account to access our page. You can join the conference by  following this link:

If you have friends, family or members of your parish who might like to take part then why not invite them along and send them the details – all are welcome!

St Joseph’s Online Groups

Throughout lockdown, many St Joseph’s parishioners have been meeting online to keep in touch spiritually.

These groups will continue to meet over the next few months, some weekly and others fortnightly. Please do join us – we would love to see you there!

We have three different Bible study groups which meet fortnightly on Thursdays at 11am and 8pm, and Fridays at 10.30am. Please choose one group at the time that suits you best. Our prayer groups are unique and the Rosary groups pray different mysteries each day so you can attend each day if you wish.

All groups meet online using Zoom video conferencing, with new meeting IDs and passwords issued before each meeting. For further information about the online groups and details on using the Zoom code, please contact Anne D’Silva on [email protected]

Video Message to Catechumens and Candidates

This Sunday 7th June 2020, Archbishop John Wilson was due to come to our parish and confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on some 33 of our young people.  Sadly, because of the current global situation, this has had to be deferred, as everyone is aware.  Archbishop John recorded a special very well-timed message to all the Catechumens and Candidates, people who had been preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation or to be received in to the Church during the Easter season. During the Pentecost Sunday Mass Homily he spoke particularly to them, but also made a short video for all affected:

Click here to see this video on YouTube.

Please remember our young people, their catechists and parents, our clergy, and also Archbishop John himself.  We very much look forward to welcoming him to St Joseph’s in the future!