Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
The Epiphany of the Lord
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
Fourth Sunday of Advent (A) & Christmas 2016 / New Year 2017
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
Christmas 2016 Mass Times at a glance, etc
Prayer and Mass Intentions – January 2017
Third Sunday of Advent (A)
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
Second Sunday of Advent (A)
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
First Sunday of Advent (A)
Weekly updated News and information from the Parish of Saint Joseph’s, New Malden
Prayer and Mass Intentions – December 2016
Sunday Bulletin – Jesus Christ the King
JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE This Sunday is the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, the last Sunday of the Church year. Next Sunday will be the First Sunday of Advent and the first day of the Church’s calendar (Year A).
PRE-ADVENT FAYRE is this weekend. Pop into the Hall after 6pm Mass on Saturday, & on Sunday, after 9.30 & 11.30am Mass only. Proceeds to go to St Joseph’s School in Boffa, Guinea. Please give your support.
CONFIRMATION 2017 forms are to be returned no later than TODAY Sunday 20th November, in person to Fr Uche, or through the Presbytery letter box.
MOTHERS PRAYERS – This month’s meeting in the Lady Chapel is as usual on the 4th Tuesday of the month – this Tuesday 22nd – at 8pm. All welcome.
BILLINGS NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Thursday 24th November. Couples who are interested and would like more information are encouraged to drop in at St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre PC2 (upstairs on the first floor) between 7.30 and 8.30pm, where there will be someone to answer your questions.
NEW ALTAR SERVERS’ TRAINING – last session is this Friday 25 November.
THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – is next meeting this Friday 25 November. Parishioners were asked to let the Parish Office know by the end of last week of any items they could suggest for discussion at this meeting
CHRISTMAS PARISH LUNCH – is on the 2nd Sunday of Advent, 4th December., @ 1pm. If you haven’t yet signed up on the list in the narthex, please do so by next weekend, 27th November, so that our dedicated and hard-working team can be aware of numbers and prepare accordingly. Please pre-pay if at all possible. NB. Because of the preparation for this lunch, there will be no refreshments after the 9.30 Mass, and no Children’s Liturgy in the Hall on the 4th December.
MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK: Sun. (Sat) 6pm Sarah Gourlay RIP, 9.30 John Gaffney RIP, 11.30 Daphne Wilkinson RIP, 5.30 People of the Parish; Mon. 7. Laurence Patrick Burbridge RIP 10. Betty Booth RIP; Tue. 7. Eliza Hoskins RIP, 10. Mgr Hugh Hunt RIP; Wed. 10. November Requiem; Thurs. 7. Regis Downey, 10. Special Intention; Fri. 7. November Requiem, 10. November Requiem; Sat. 10. November Requiem; Next Sun. (Sat) 6pm Teresa Wright RIP, 9.30 Betty Burke RIP, 11.30 People of the Parish, 5.30 Mrs M Maharaj
SHRINE LAMPS THIS WEEK: Our Lady: Mrs Joan Gibbons RIP (both lamps) Sacred Heart: Lauren’s Good Health & Wellbeing St Joseph: Nora Keigher’s Health St Therese / St John Fisher: Therese Hoey’s Wellbeing St Thomas More / St Anthony: Mark, Gaynor & Children St Pius X: Fr David Hutton’s Health
ADVENT & CHRISTMAS IN OUR BOOKSHOP Visit us in the Pastoral Centre to browse our wide variety of Charity Christmas Cards, Advent Calendars, Advent Wreaths & Candles. See our wonderful range of children’s Christmas story books, colouring books and other gift ideas. Every Catholic home needs a Christmas Crib – come in and see our selection of Cribs and Bambini. Come and browse after any weekend Mass.
EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION & READERS We are inviting parishioners to contact the Parish Office if they are interested in becoming Readers at Mass, of if they would like to nominate others to be considered for Commissioning as Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
NEW HYMNBOOK SPONSORING – The parish has bought new hymnbooks which will start being used from Advent. If you wish to sponsor one or more of them In Memory of a Loved One, or In Thanksgiving for someone, please email or write to the Parish Office with the name you wish to appear on the inside of these hymnbooks. The price for sponsoring each book is £8, so please include that in cash or a cheque payable to ‘St Joseph’s Catholic Church’.
USED UNLOCKED MOBILE PHONES FOR THE REPUBLIC OF GUINEA – If you have a working UNLOCKED mobile phone you no longer need, please consider donating it to someone who is in desperate need. We are hoping to send working mobile phone to the Republic of Guinea in time for Christmas, so please drop any of these phones – weekends only – by Sunday 11th December, in a special box provided in our usual drop-off point next to the fayre boxes.
SHINE A LIGHT APPEAL – Will you a Shine a Light of Hope for families in Syria and Iraq this Advent? Stand up for faith and freedom on #Red Wednesday, 23rd November 2016, when Aid to the Church in Need are marking the launch of their Religious Freedom in the World Report, the following day. This is ACN’s landmark assessment of persecution and intolerance around the globe, and #Red Wednesday is happening to honour those killed in acts of religious hatred and in solidarity with millions of people, targeted for their beliefs and living in fear. In partnership with ACN, on the evening of #Red Wednesday, Westminster Abbey & Westminster Cathedral will light up their iconic facades in Red. This profound act of solidarity will be joined by other faith groups as a tribute to all who, in recent times, have suffered injustice and risk their lives for their faith. You are invited to be a part of #Red Wednesday and make a stand against religious persecution and for peace and tolerance by: •wearing a distinctive item of red clothing on 23rd November – a symbol of the innocent victims of religious persecution, and share posts and tweets using #Red Wednesday •hold a One Minute Silence to reflect on and pray for people who suffer for their beliefs •get informed and read ACN’s Religious Freedom in the world Report findings at Religion freedom report from 24th November Please get involved – this is important for all of us! We need to make our world a safer place. Thank you for you solidarity and prayerful compassion.
THE LAST SUNDAY OF THE LITURGICAL YEAR CHRIST THE KING The feast of Christ the King is celebrated in the Roman Catholic church in honour of Jesus Christ as lord over all creation. This feast was created by Pope Pius XI in 1925. This is a medieval feast which uses the metaphor of “King”, a powerful one in those days, to describe the role of Jesus. The Kingdom of God is the central teaching of Jesus throughout the Gospels. The word kingdom appears more than any other word throughout the four Gospels. Jesus begins His public ministry by preaching the kingdom. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel (Mark 1:14)
Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the universe. All that has been created has been made for You. Make full use of Your rights over me. I renew the promises I made in Baptism, when I renounced Satan and all his pomps and works, and I promise to live a good Christian life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You my efforts in order that all hearts may acknowledge Your Sacred Royalty, and that thus the Kingdom of Your peace may be established throughout the universe. Amen.
——————————————————————————————————————SUNDAY MASS TIMES (Sat.) 6.00pm Vigil Mass 9.30am Mass 11.30am Solemn Mass 5.30pm Mass
WEEKDAY MASSES Monday 21st 7 & 10am Mass The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tuesday 22nd 7 & 10am Mass St Cecilia, Virgin & Martyr Wednesday 23rd 10am Mass Feria, or St Clement I, Pope & Martyr, or St Columban, Abbot Thursday 24th 7 & 10am Mass St Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, & Companions, Martyrs Friday 25th 7 & 10am Mass Feria, or St Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin & Martyr Saturday 26th 10am Mass Feria, or Our Lady
OTHER SERVICES Rosary: Monday- Saturday after the 10am Mass (except Thurs) Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 10am Mass, all day, until 9pm.
CONFESSIONS Thursday 6.30 – 7.30pm; Saturdays 10.30 – 11.30 & 5.15 – 5.45.
Sundays Year C; Weekdays cycle 2 This Sun: 2 Samuel 5:1-3; Colossians 1:12-20; Luke 23:35-43 Christ the Universal King M. Apoc 14:1-3,4-5; Luke 21:1-4 T. Apoc 14:14-19; Luke 21:5-11 W. Apoc 15:1-4; Luke 21:12-19 Th. Apocalypse 18:1-2,21-23, 19:1-3,9; Luke 21:20-28 F. Apocalypse 20:1-4,11 – 21:2; Luke 21:29-33 S. Apoc 22:1-7; Luke 21:34-36
Next Sun: Isaiah 2:1-5; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:37-44 1st Sunday of Advent (Year A)
ROTAS Team 3 today; Team 4 next Sunday 27th November. _________________________________________________________________
COLLECTIONS last weekend: Gift Aid Standing Orders £ 1,297 +Gift Aid weekly envelopes £ 687 +Cash £ 659 = Parish total £ 2,643 Archbishop’s Admin Fund £ 255
CONTACTS: St Joseph’s Catholic Church, New Malden Sunday 20th November 2016 Telephone: 020 8942 2602 Divine Office Week 2 St Joseph’s Presbytery / Parish Office 1 Montem Road New Malden Surrey KT3 3QW
Fr Uche Njoku (Parish Priest): [email protected] Deacon John-Simon Lawson: [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Agnes Vella Parish Treasurer: Mr David Roberts Director of Music: Dr Matthew Ward [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Safeguarding Rep: Mr Andrew Stables: 020 8942 7942 Pastoral Centre Manager: Mr Oliver Patton: 020 8942 3356
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 12.30pm – so weekday mornings are the best time to call. Kingston Road New Malden www.stjoseph-newmalden.org.uk