Joan Hill RIP
Dear friends, no doubt you will have heard the sad news of Joan Hill’s death a couple of weeks ago. Her family has asked me to share a couple of links with the parish, with a view to her friends sharing their memories of her.
Please click on the links below to read what is already there, and to add your own thoughts if you wish:
Joan’s Funeral will be held at St Joseph’s on Tuesday 27th April at 11.30am, by invitation only. For those who would like to pay their respects online, the Funeral will be live-streamed. Follow by clicking here.

Huge congratulations go to our own RAPHAEL MAURIN & DANIEL ALMEIDA, who were nominated by the parish for the above award earlier this year, and were successful in winning it!
Last Wednesday, Raphaël & Daniel attended a short private ceremony in the grounds of Kingston Guildhall, to receive this Award from Her Worshipful The Mayor Councillor Margaret Thompson.
These two young men were nominated for their tireless work in our parish, especially during the past year, for their incentive and proactivity with setting up live-streaming, booking system etc, for their giving up of their valuable time to be there to support The Parish Office, Catechesis, Parish Pastoral Council, Music, the Safe Re-opening of the Church, and the comfort of all parishioners attending Mass at St Joseph’s. I think everyone will agree that this Award was never more richly deserved.
Read citation read at the ceremony below, together with more photos from the occasion.
Congratulations Raphaël & Daniel!!

Bulletin 18th April 2021 – Third Sunday of Easter (B)
Bulletin – Holy Week & Easter Bumper
Prayer & Mass Intentions April 2021


Bulletin 21st March 2021 – Fifth Sunday in Lent (B)
Holy Hour – 8pm Thursday 18th March 2021- Live from St Joseph’s