Assisted Suicide Bill and how to oppose it

On Friday, 29 November, the House of Commons will hear the Second Reading of a bill on assisted suicide tabled by Labour MP Kim Leadbeater. Visit for more on how to oppose this bill, which threatens the sanctity of life.

Oppose the Assisted Dying Bill

The Bishops of England & Wales are calling on all Catholics to unite in prayer and compassionate action to oppose assisted suicide (or assisted dying).

Please contact your MP to voice your opposition to assisted suicide being rushed into law on 29th November 2024. Please make every effort to express your opposition to your MP.

Vincent Cardinal Nichols has summarised the three main reasons for our opposition:

·         it is a slippery slope

·         a right to die can become a duty to die

·         being forgetful of God belittles our humanity

Please read the statement below from the Catholic Bishops of England, Wales & Scotland (hard copies available at the back of church & from the Parish Office)

Masses at St Joseph’s

The Sunday 11.30am Mass is also available live streamed from St Joseph’s.

With more than 1,000 parishioners at Sunday Masses, and around 70 parish groups, St Joseph’s is a vibrant and varied parish, serving Catholics of every age, interest and background.
If you’re new to the parish, or just interested in Catholicism, why not come to
Sunday Mass at 9.30am, 11.30am and 5.30pm or  Saturday at 6pm. 

You are guaranteed a warm welcome. Then come and meet others over coffee (between the 9.30am & 11.30am Masses), and introduce yourself to Father Uche or Deacon John-Simon. Everyone is welcome.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd accompanies children in their ‘Faith  Journey’ helping them to develop a personal relationship with God.

It involves children from the age of 3 to 13 and over. 

Children enter gradually and more deeply year after year in the Mystery of the Kingdom of God, through the Bible, the Liturgy & Sacraments and Prayer.

Each presentation is followed by practical work leading the child to meditate on the spiritual reality behind what has been presented. The little ones can use materials with figures to “act” the scriptures that are read to them, work with collages,  drawing, paint and clay etc. Personal activities will help them focus and get a glimpse of the love and glory of God, which will be progressively unveiled in the other levels.

For instance, the younger children work with a small model  altar including a small Chalice, Paten, Crucifix, candles, tiny missal, purificator, corporal etc.  which they will be presented in association with the gestures of the Mass (Blessings, Offertory, Consecration essentially). 

At the next level (6 to 8 years old) they will go deeper into these and start making their own little missal. When they reach the age of 9 they are presented with the whole of the Holy Mass, rebuilding every step thanks to detailed cards of each prayer and gesture of the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Mass. They also delve more profoundly into the Bible: the Old Testament with its fulfilment  in the New, through a study of the Plan of God, Plan of Love and Salvation, from Creation to Parousia. 

Ideally sessions would be 60 to 90 minutes for the younger ones. From the age of 6 onward, we aim at  one and a half   to two hours. Those who find this too long are the parents!!! The children are always willing to stay longer!